Conference fees

1. Participation with 1 report - published
in AIP Conference Proceedings
700 / 600* 350 / 300*
2. Participation with 2 reports - published
in AIP Conference Proceedings
1000 / 900* 500 / 450*
3. Participation with 1 report - published
in BulTrans Proceedings (ISSN 2738-8549)
300 / 150* 150 / 75*
4. Participation with 2 reports - published
in BulTrans Proceedings (ISSN 2738-8549)
350 / 200* 175 / 100*
5. Participation with 2 reports - one published
in AIP Conference Proceedings
and one in BulTrans Proceedings (ISSN 2738-8549)
750 / 650* 375 / 325*
6. Co-authors and participants without reports1 250 125
7. Companion of a participant2 150 80
8. Reports by students and PhD students3 discount 50% discount 50%

* For the online participants, the papers will be presented via an online video call and broadcast live for all conference participants.

1 Regardless of the number of co-authorships and the publication issue, co-authors pay BGN 250 (EUR 125), given that the full publication fee for the respective report is already paid by another co-author. Each author can be a co-author in up to 2 papers for AIP Conference Proceedings and 2 for BulTrans Proceedings.

2 A participant companion is a family member who is not a co-author and does not participate in the scientific events of the conference. The fee includes welcome cocktail and official dinner.

3 Discount for papers in which all authors are students or PhD students with age not greater than 35. All co-authors who participate on-site pay the regular co-author fee.

Bank Accounts

Eurobank Bulgaria AD


IBAN (BGN): BG89 BPBI 7940 1046 1397 02

IBAN (EUR): BG98 BPBI 7940 1446 1397 01


Recipient: Technical University of Sofia - Technologies EOOD

VAT (ID) number: BG 130 506 225

Reason: BulTrans-2024 Conference